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Alicia Silverstone - Naked for a Cause
10:54 AM // 0 comments // mOdiOloGy // Category: //Alicia Silverstone wants you not to eat meat.
Alicia Silverstone REALLY wants you not to eat meat. She wants you not to eat meat so much that she's willing to take off all her clothes and appear naked in a PETA television advertisement advocating vegetarianism. The spot will play first in Houston, Texas, and then nationwide, giving us all a chance to enjoy the many fine ways in which Alicia Silverstone has matured since Clueless. We fully support this kind of activism, and it got us thinking who else we think should be dropping trou in the name of truth, justice, freedom, or whatever... as long as the clothes come off, we're cool. Join us as we call on a parade of protestors to join in Alicia Silverstone's naked revolution.
We'd love to see Angelina Jolie get naked to promote multicultural adoption. Demi Moore and Britney Spears both posed naked on magazine covers with full bellies and proved that pregnant women can be very hot, but who's vouching for the appeal of the adoptive mother? Angelina Jolie can shed her clothes and the notion that biological motherhood is the only beautiful way to become a parent.
Sunny, redheaded and (depending on her incarnation) unbearably stacked, we'd be happy to support whichever cause inspired Mary Jane to disrobe. But what if it were... Mary Jane? Imagine if she joined Norml or Thomas K. Leighton and the MRP? Just thinking about it gives me some major munchies.
They've gone from frathouse faux-rappers to full-fledged instrumentalists. Along the way they've always been promoting the rights of the indigenous people of Tibet. And while the traditional garb of the enlightened Tibetans are red gowns (or, at least, that's what we've seen in movies. Little Buddha, anyone?) we're also keen to check out Adam Yauch, Adam Horovitz and Mike Diamond's little beasties. Shine like the sun, indeed.
Sure the cat suit doesn't leave much to the imagination, but we still wouldn't mind getting to know Cat Woman a little better... especially if it's for the noble cause of, what else, animal rights!
The great work we take for granted on our local PBS affiliates are brought to us, of course, by viewers like you. What's gonna' get a jaded audience to cough up the dough? Flesh. Sober, deliberate flesh. Should Ken Burns ever drop trou and allow a slow B&W pan across his most historic regions, you will see a sharp rise in both the PBS coffers as well as the more perverse members of the public at large.
Uhura's naked? Hailing frequencies are OPEN! Turns out the TOS communications officer already DID disrobe for a cause. Back in the '80s we here in the USA lived under the ever-tightening grip of a cruel telephone monopoly. But thanks to the brave econo-political activists like Lt. Uhura, we can now choose from whichever plan we like.
Even though he doesn't need it, Wolverine's Canadian blood screams for everyone to have health care. While it would be very, very hairy, we'd stand up and cheer for his efforts to heal those without superhuman healing abilities.
No matter what you might think of his bug-eye glasses or inability to make a point without dropping the f-bomb, you have to admit that U2's Bono has been a tireless crusader for the world's poor and less fortunate ever since his band got big enough for anyone to give a crap what he thinks. He's donated money and time, and even interfaced with world governments and the United Nations. He's done everything, in fact, short of taking off his pants and letting the world get a look at lil' Bono. As long as those clothes remain on, Mr. big rock 'n' roll frontman, can you truly say you've done EVERYTHING for the world? The added side-benefit to all this might be that the sight of a naked Bono would be grotesque enough to cause a global loss in appetite so epic that it would put an end to world hunger once and for all.
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